September 4, 2010
If you're anything at all like me, you've noticed how when it comes to the spelling of Islaamic Islamic words and terms, in English at least, there doesn't seem to be any kind of consistency whatsoever.
Many who read Islaamic Islamic texts regularly in English, such as the Koran Quran Qoran Qu'ran Qur'an and the Haddith Hadiith Hadith, wonder why that is, and what can be done abouit it, if anything.
The answer, it would seem, lies in the hard and and fast Mahometan Mohammadan Musulman Musuulman Muslim Moslem principle that if it isn't written in the heathen barbarian troglodyte Sandmonkey Arabic that the Moslem "Prophet" Mohammad himself was entirely ignorant of (he was illiterate), then it isn't worthy of much concern anyway; but in an effort to assist the reader of Islamic texts translated to English, and to note the many different ways in which Islamic terms are spelled, and can be spelled, we've put together this little guide.
(*Note: This guide is for those already fairly familiar with Islamic-terminology; therefore, the terms are not specifically defined)
-Allāh (الله): Alah, Allaah, Aluh, Aalaah, Aallaahh, Satan, Allahu, Il-ah, Uhllua, Rahk d'Kabbah, Alalaa'h, Ahhhh-Leeeeaaaaah! (Here we go again).
-Allāhhu Akbar (الله أكبر): Alahu Akkbar, Alaahu Bakh D'ar, Allaahhu Sna'kbar, M'artyr M'akker, Alalaah Wh's F'ubar, D'ie Mo'therf***e'r!!!
-Bid'ah (بدعة): Bida, Bidda, Bid'a, Biddah, Pi'ss Uff d'Allah, Biid'a, Biidd'a, Ch 'ch 'ch 'ch 'Changes (Turn d'Face d'Strain).
-Burqa ( برقع ): Burka, Bur'qa, Bur'qur, Hef d'Bagh, Barqa, Buhr'qa, Daarth al-Vader Fr'ock, Burrka, Po'gromme d'Ress, B'ruz Khan'cealer, B'rides d'Hide, F'ugly saak.
-Caliph (خليفة): C'aliph, Kaliph, Khalifah, Khaal'ifah, Caaliph, O'bama, C'aalliiph, D'espot, Sl'aayer d'Chief, Ant'i Ch'rist.
-Dar al-Harb (دار الحرب): Dar-al-Harb, D'ar al-Harb, D'ar-al-H'arb, Dar al-Free, Da'r al-Bars, Dar al-Brave, Dar al-Cars, Haram Land.
-Dar al-Islam (دار الإسلام): Dar-al-Islam, Hellhole, Shi'ite Pile, Planet of the Apes, Future Ground Zero, Toilet, Troglodyte T'own, Inbredistan, Mohammad's Crime Scene.
-Da'wah (الدعوة): Da'wa, Duh'wa, Duh'waaaahhhh, Lies, D'ah w'a, Fu*king Lies, Doo 'wah, Daa'wa, Diddy Diddy Down, Duh 'waa, Diddy Do.
-Dhimmi (ذمّي): D'himmi, Michael Bloomberg, Barack Obama, Keith Olberman, Chris Matthews, Charles Johnson et al.
-Dhunr (دارالصلح ): D'hunr, Dunn'hr, 2nd Daily Arse-Wag, Dhu'nr, Forehead Knot-time, Dunnar, Total Waste Of Y'ur Time.
-Din (الدين): D'in, Dinn, Diin, Diinn, D'iihn, Shitty Way of Life, Diii'nh.
-Dua (دعاء): Du'a, D'ua, Du'her (anytime you like), Doo'ha, Do'haa, Wag It, Shake It, D'hooa, Babble In Tongues, Devolve.
-Fara'id (فرأض): Far'aid (but zip for non-Moslems), Farah'id, Full-On-Arse-Waggin-All-Day-Long, Faaraa'id, Entirely Wasted Potential.
-Fatwa (فتوى): Fa'twa, Fat'wa, Fart'wa, Foot'wa, Another Excuse To Kill, Fadwa, Fa'dwa, Birdbrained Opinion from Some Cretinous Psychopath.
-Hadith (حديث ḥadīth): Haadith, Haddith, Hadiith, Mo's Maniacal Mumblings, Had'teeth, Haa'deeth.
-Hajj (الحجّ haj): Ha'j, H'aj, Do The Meteorite Moonwalk, Hujj, Hah'jj.
-Halal (حلال): Halall, Ha'lal, Hell'al, Approved For Cavemen, Tastes Like Shi'ite.
-Haram (حرام): Ha'ram, Har'am, Anything Fun, Haar'am, Enlightening, Educational or Tasty, good for Infidels.
-Hidayah (هداية): Hi'dayah, Hiida'yuh, Ask The Devil, Hiidaay'er, Hide'ahya, Hide d'Salami.
-Hijab (حجاب): H'ijab, Hi'jabb, Heagney, Unattractive, Burqa-lite, Hed 'Jab, Not As Brusied, Hejaab, Unsexy.
-Houri (حورية ḥūrīya; pl. ḥūrīyāt حوريات): Hou'ri, Whor'ui, Celestial Sluts, Jihadi Wet Dream, Hoor'i, Hoorr'i, Forever Fornicators, Islamo-Heaven's Happily Hooking Huzzies.
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