September 11, 2010
(by Fareed Zakaria)
New York -- Hours after families remembered those accidentally killed nine years ago at ground zero, the nation's debate over a proposed peaceful, bridge-building Islamic center with only a miniscule little "mosquette" very loosely attached that may be built many, many, many blocks away, played out Saturday at opposing rallies.
An artists depiction of the gorgeous Community Center (CNN)
A "rally" against the loving and wonderful proposed center began first, as three random people wandering by were grabbed by Dutch Nazi political criminal Geert Wilders and ordered to listen to him speak. Two other speakers then reminded the three passersby, who were being held against their will by fascist thug and right wing radical Islamophobe Robert Spencer, that all Muslims should be deported immediately, and all mosques in America should be converted into cowboy bars.
I did not hear or see that personally, I was getting a manicure at the time, but my personal assistant and valet Abdul Muhammad told me about it.
The three people forcefully rounded up to protest the Islamic Center are out of view in this photo. The tens of thousands of others seen here were just everyday New York pedestrians, and were not in any way related to any protest against the Center (Atlas Shrugs)
Evidently, for racist, bigoted mosque opponents it was a sad, ill-advised, and almost non-existant attempt at a rally, as well as a pathetic failure for Islamophobes in America who espouse nothing but pure hatred against this country's peaceful Muslim sweethearts.
However, on the other side, more than 14,000,000 supporters of the Commnunity Center of Peace came out, and they all sang kumbaya in unison as Imam Rauf, that very model of moderate peace and tolerance, wept with joy.
Clearly, the rumored "80%" opposition to the Community Center of Sweet Dreams and Light is just some kind of xenophobic urban legend.
Although only a few protesters in support of the Islamic Center can be seen in this photo, trust us, there were 14,000,000 supporters there. Unfortunately, our still photographer left the wide angle lens for his camera at home (CNN)
So, America, it's clearly time to face the facts as we give them to you and just drop your ridiculous and unsupported opposition to to this wonderful, inspiring, and mandatory Cordoba House Community Center.
We can do this the easy way or the hard way, it's your choice. Imam Rauf firmly intends to build the bridge by which Americans will come to Islam, and we at CNN think it's high time you redneck ingrates prepare to cross it.
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