There's a broad swath of Islamic thought out there that runs like this:
"I'm a Muslim. I'm a slave to Mohammad and Allah. Being a slave to Mohammad and Allah means that I am filled with anger and hate for all non-Muslims, and especially the Jews. That means that I am insulted, enraged and violent, at least in thought, toward all kuffar. So if I feel love, compassion, or understanding toward any non-Muslims, it can only mean that something has gone terribly wrong with my relationship with the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and Allah."
And that's how we end up with Muslims who feel that having "good emotions" means that they're not quite the Mohammadans they should be, and that Allah the Merciful is anxious to cut off their heads and pour boiling oil down their throats while the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) has painful anal sex with them for all of eternity.
BAD MUSLIM: Dr. Khadija Khaja - unveiled, hair showing, use of makeup and jewelry, western-style thoughts (occassionally). Allah anxiously awaits her in hell so the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) can rape her and Allah the Merciful can burn off her skin over and over again for all of eternity (photo courtesy Allahu Akbar Media)
GOOD MUSLIM: Unknown good Muslim female with other good Muslim females behind her. All traces of humanity properly obliterated, no thoughts of her own, utterly subservient to Muslim men. This good Muslim woman has a fair chance of attaining Islamic Heaven, where, while she will have no pleasures for herself, Allah will graciously allow her to watch as all the male members of her family - but especially her good Muslim husband - will be sexually serviced by 72 virgin whores for all of eternity (photo courtesy of Jinn Media)
It's vital for all non-Muslims to understand that there is no such thing as a "bad" devout Muslim. Such a thing simply does not exist. The proper term for a true Islamic adherant is "good" Muslim. Conversely, a "bad" Muslim is one who is not devout, is in any way secular, and who takes non-Muslims as friends and associates. Allah's wrath and Mohammad's penis await all "bad" Muslims, in hell.
Too many Muslims fail to understand that virtually all Infidel emotions are good, insofar as every Infidel emotion any infidel ever has is meant to tell that person something it would be tremendously beneficial for them to hear. That's what Infidel emotions are for. This is a prime reason why all Infidels must be subjugated or brutally killed.
A "good" emotion for a "good" Muslim is like an air-raid siren. Its harsh shrillness must be interpreted as a painful experience, despite how good it feels -- and it's important to know that it is very pointedly telling you that you need to do something in order to remain unbalanced and perpetually enraged.
A VERY GOOD MUSLIM: Rageboy (photo courtesy Al-Awlaki Promotions)
So, the next time you have a "positive" emotion toward any non-Muslim (or, Allah forbid, a dirty stinking Jew), take care to resist and fight it, and then slay the infidel if at all possible.
Hakeem from Dearbornistan writes:
"One day I was feeling very angry as usual, but then I picked up a fare in my cab and the man was so charming and funny that I soon felt myself beginning to feel happy and relaxed in talking to him. Very quickly though, I realized that this was all wrong, that I was failing the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Allah, so despite the fact that my fare was a very old man who used a walking stick, I stopped the cab and physically threw him into the street. And then praise be to Allah, I became very angry again when a huge dump truck took great pains to not run over the old infidel kafir lying bloodied in the road, where he belonged."
A very inspirational story, Hakeem, thanks for writing.
So you can see, our Islamic emotions aren't fleeting things of no substance. They're a primary means by which Allah communicates to us in no uncertain terms that we are to hate, hate, hate and kill anyone who is not perfect, like we Mohammadans are.
If you accept a happy emotion because you are weak, Allah will never forgive you. And if you dismiss an angry emotion because you think it's "bad," what you've really done is dismiss the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and Allah himself, and you will suffer in hell for all time.
~Imam Ralph
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