June 6, 2010
(International Photo Report)
I don't know about you all, but I am so glad the United States has been sinking billions of our hard-earned taxdollars -- not to mention the sweat and blood of our brave Servicemen and women -- into Afghanistan, in order to help the "ordinary moms and pops" turn the once desolate hell-hole of Afghanistan into a modern, cosmopolitan showplace for the world!
Winston Churchill was just dead wrong when he wrote of Afghanistan, and about Islam in particular: "No stronger retrograde force exists in the world."
Come on Winnie you old poop! Islam is as modern as anything else!! Stop being so darned Islamophobic, grumpy and racist!!
Islamophobic and racist "old poop" Winston Churchill (file)
Here are some of my favorite photographs that demonstrate, beyond any doubt, that our investment toward modernizing Afghanistan has really been worthwhile!
Muzzammil Mohammad, 12, is followed by his step-mother Aaleyah, 9, who is carrying her co-wife's son Sadeem Muhammad, 18 months, as they excitedly make their way to the newly opened "Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Mega-Mall" located on the outskirts of Kabul (courtesy Al-Khillyah)
The newly opened "Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Mega-Mall" near Kabul (courtesy Al-Khillyah)
Cost of the "Mega-Mall" to the American taxpayer? ONLY $16,000,000 !!
The "Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Public Square" in the heart of Mazar-i-Sharif, where citizens gather daily to burn a tire on the freshly "paved" surface of the previously dirt street (Khin Khan TV)
Cost of "paving(?)" the "square" to the American taxpayer? ONLY $9,000,000 !!
Inside the newly built "Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Elementary School," outside of Khost, young Afghan Muslim girls listen raptly as their teacher, Muhammad al-Ghettyah al-Nekkhed (not pictured), instructs them on what their duties will be -- as newlyweds -- in their upcoming arranged marriages to much older uncles (Allahu Akbar News Corp.)
The newly dedicated "Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Elementary School" near Khost, Afghanistan (Allahu Akbar News Corp.)
Cost of the "Elementary School" to the American taxpayer? ONLY $44,000,000 !!
As you can plainly see, America's investment is a great one, and despite the bigoted baloney that some Islamophobes and racists try and sell you, Islam is NOT keeping these people in the Dark Ages! In fact, we should all celebrate "Modern, Cosmopolitan Afghanistan!!"
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